Healthy Fats That You Shouldn’t Cut From Your Diet

by editor on December 17, 2013

healthy fats to include in your diet

Yes there really is a such thing as healthy fats that you shouldn’t cut from your diet. In fact, you need these “good” fats to live –period. But did you know that even if you have sworn off meats for life you can get every “good” fat you need from a plant and a seed? Yup that’s right the hemp plant which is NOT marijuana–all the THC is taken from it long before it gets to your table. It is found in oil form, and made into a protein powder for shakes and such. There is also the Chia seed from yes, you guessed it! The same seeds that are in that novelty gift idea “The Chia Pet”. They come in bags at the health food store. Make sure you are buying organic, with no pesticides. You can place the Chia in a juice, smoothie or water.

The Hemp gives you as many amino acids as you would get in a steak! It is the only plant on the planet that can do that and give you Omega 3 and 6 at the same time and you won’t gain a pound!

The other ways you can get the healthy fats is fish oil from salmon and other similar fish that is oily like anchovies. You can also get it from lean protein like chicken. You can also take advantage of oils such as olive oil or sesame and coconut oil. Take the oil on salads or even by the tablespoon as a supplement.

Why you need these good fats:

These healthy fats are essential for the functions of the body. They play an important part in cell repair and cardiovascular health. They will also help your metabolism. Without these healthy fats you can’t lose weight on a permanent level if you starve your body of the healthy fats you need to function.

Your brain function also desperately needs the healthy fats for memory and circulation as well as proper cell growth. People with low levels of these healthy fats have been found to have increased levels of cognitive issues. Dementia has been long linked to low levels of omega 3, 6 and amino acids. If you are a vegetarian and hemp or seeds are not your thing–there are supplements that are all natural that can give you omegas yet amino acids need to be taken by food in order to be effective in the way they are meant to be. Hemp is what can give you that and you can hide it in various drinks and in or on foods as long as it isn’t heated too long or too high.

Most things that are good for you will need to be eaten raw or cold. This is why smoothies have been on the rise!

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