Your Risk of Obesity May Be Found in Your DNA, Say Researchers

by moderator on March 26, 2019

Around the world, hundreds of millions of people have been diagnosed as obese, and they are dealing with the health problems that come with being obese, too. Experts have been working hard to try to find the reasons why individuals become obese, and why some seem to be more prone to developing obesity than others. And, according to Technology Networks, experts now think that your risk of obesity might be found in your DNA.

DNA and Your Risk of Obesity

Researchers have been able to identify a genetic mechanism that, in 10% of obesity cases, might play an important role in the development of this health problem. The insights from their research is promising because the findings might help them identify people who would be prone to obesity, and the new information might also lead to new treatments.

Leptin: The Hunger Hormone

To be more specific, experts looked into the role of leptin, which is a hormone that is made in the body’s fat cells. This is the hormone that controls hunger. Basically, the amount of the hormone that is in your bloodstream, along with how your brain will respond to the hormone, plays a role in how much weight you will end up gaining. Interesting, right?

When experts used mice in the lab, they discovered that changing the regulation of leptin production might actually create a type of obesity that would then be treatable with the help of leptin therapy. And, studies in the field of human genetics have also provided evidence that this might be possible.

Bottom line: experts are hoping that more research into the gene variants that can affect the expression of leptin in the body will give them greater insight into the risk of obesity and the treatment options that are most suitable for individuals whose obesity is related to their DNA. It will be exciting to see where future research takes us.

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